Latest Episodes
Episode 145 World War Christmas
'Tis the season for the annual war on Christmas. We start with a new holiday display at the U S. Capital. Then we head...
Episode 144 Pandora's Box of BS
Secular Yakking is back from the freezer. After a 7 year hiatus, we have returned to Yakk at you.In this episode we talk about...
Episode 143 Polar Opposite
On this episode we start out with a Texas town that doesn’t like when the opposing message is displayed.Then we look into a story...
Episode 142 Already Told Ya
On this episode we talk about the right reason to remove a ten commandments plaque. Then look into the “Bible Tax” by Trumperdinck.We finish...
Episode 141 Yabba Dabba Don’t
In this episode we talk about our old friend “Judge” Roy Moore and his new campaign for another Mr. Potter Award.Then we cross over...
Episode 140 Wash, Rinse, Repeat
In this episode we talk about a study that says atheist believe in the supernatural.Then we laugh at the idea of a straight pride...